Historial de versiones portada

Historial de versiones

17.0 - [FIX] variables.sh: use right PostgreSQL version for Odoo v17.0 T#84059

ago 25, 2024

We should use PostgreSQL v15 for Odoo v17.0. However, since that Odoo version was not considered by the project template, PostgreSQL v14 was being set, which is the version intended for Odoo v16.0.

[FIX] account_xunnel: Corregimos un método debido a un cambio en Odoo T#84133

ago 21, 2024

Odoo introdujo el siguiente cambio https://github.com/odoo/enterprise/commit/a02476d1b98343e043a8647583457f391d54bd4e

que hace que el valor devuelto al hacer actualización de credenciales no sea compatible con lo esperado al descargar las mismas por lo que ahora hacemos coincidir el valor de retorno como lo hace Odoo.

Se ha corregido un problema en el que la última fecha de sincronización podía no ser correcta t81051

jun 01, 2024

Este correo es para informarles sobre una corrección reciente realizada nuestra app Xunnel V16 (account_xunnel).

Anteriormente, existía un problema en la forma en que se calculaba la fecha de la última sincronización al crear transacciones. Se obtenía de la base de datos, pero no siempre era correcto. Esto se debía a que los cambios aún no se habían grabado en la base de datos y los datos permanecían en la memoria.

Para solucionar esto, se ha modificado el comportamiento para obtener la fecha a partir de las transacciones reales que provienen de la base de datos de xunnel.com, las cuales ya cuentan con una fecha de última sincronización precisa.

Esta corrección garantiza que la fecha de la última sincronización siempre refleje la información más actualizada disponible.

Descarga de aquí la última versión con la corrección, instálala y actualiza tu sistema Odoo.

Agradecemos su comprensión.


El equipo de Xunnel

[IMP] xunnel: fixed several JS console errors i25030

mar 14, 2024

[IMP] xunnel_admin: increase timeout t79497

mar 01, 2024

[IMP] account_xunnel: Agregada la referencia al nombre de la transacción

dic 26, 2023



Cambiamos la información mostrada en un extracto, ahora se muestra la referencia concatenada al nombre de una transacción.


  • Modify method _prepare_transactions() to concatenate the value of a transaction description into the name of the transaction.









Runbot relacionado para probar en este link.

[IMP] invoice_xunnel: Use of built-ins and validations with l10n_mx*

oct 20, 2023
  • Removed manual parsing and sanitizing of XML files using built in Python libraries.

  • Validation of isXml now takes in account if the field from l10n_mx_edi_documents is already in the JS models, by using this technique we avoid double rendering of the iframe that displays the XML/pseudo-PDF data.

Depends: https://git.vauxoo.com/vauxoo/mexico-document/-/merge_requests/190

[IMP] update gitlab config file t#22628

jun 09, 2023



This error was noticed after trying to regenerate the runbot for v.15. Update git config files according to cookie cutter.

[MIG] Xunnel disponible para v.16 t#71422

jun 01, 2023



Xunnel v.16 is here now! Functionally nothing changed (but technically it does, a lot), now both modules, Account and Invoice Xunnel can be used with Odoo 16.0; Some functional videos are listed below.


Xunnel v.16


Please go to the pipelines page and use the last runbot generated.

[IMP] invoice_xunnel: Now it allows to upload a 4.0 CFDI

may 10, 2023

Before this commit, just CFDI 3.3 could be uploaded as vendor bill, now it is possible to upload 4.0 too.


dic 28, 2021



USER MANUAL: https://xunnel.com/user-manual



Migrate accountxunnel and invoicexunnel from v.13 to v.14, technical and functional details are listed below.


Technical Details

  • Some python files were renamed to be on line with the models that contains.

  • The module accountonlinesync was depreciated and replaced with accountonlinesynchronization, therefore it's dependence was replaced on the manifest of account_xunnel.

  • Model account.online.provider does not longer contains the accounts synchronized from xunnel, this model was replaced with account.online.link.

  • Model account.online.journal was replaced with account.online.account.

  • The field accountonlineproviderid_ of account.journal changed its name to accountonlinelinkid_

  • Field note in account.bank.statement.line model change its name to narration.

  • Security groups were erased from invoice_xunnel module.

  • New wizard.add.token allows users to change its company xunneltoken_ from Accounting > Configuration > Xunnel > Add Token

  • New wizard.download.bank.accounts allows users to download the bank accounts related to its company xunneltoken_ from Accounting > Configuration > Accounting > Online Synchronization

  • New file located at accountxunnel/static/src/js/addaccount_manager.js contains the code to handle the paybook widget that allows a user to add a new bank account as in xunnel.com

  • The logic used to add tags to downloaded SAT XMLs was moved from xunnel-account/invoicexunnel to mexico-document/l10nmxedidocument

Functional Details

  • Add new functionality related to Synchronize Accounts: now the users could do this, besides from the Settings, from the SYNCHRONIZE XUNNEL ACCOUNTS button located in Accounting > Configuration > Accounting > Online Synchronization.

  • After a user synchronize its accounts from xunnel with the button SYNCHRONIZE XUNNEL ACCOUNTS those could be checked in Accounting > Configuration > Accounting > Online Synchronization.

  • New separator Xunnel located in Accounting > Configuration contains functionalities Add Account and Add Token.

  • New Add Token menuitem allows the users to change the xunnel token of its company.

  • New Add Account menuitem allows the user to use the paybook widget to add accounts as it is now at xunnel.com, the process to add a new account it's the same. To use this widget the user must have a xunnel token related to its company.

  • The functionality related to create invoices from the XMLs downloaded with invoice xunnel was removed, the clients must acquire vendor bills.

  • Testing mode is not longer available.


Account Xunnel

  • Account Xunnel | Add Token From Accounting

<strong>Account Xunnel | Add Token From Accounting</strong>

  • Account Xunnel | Add Token From Settings

<strong>Account Xunnel | Add Token From Settings</strong>

  • Account Xunnel | Sync Accounts From Accounting

<strong>Account Xunnel | Sync Accounts From Accounting</strong>

  • Account Xunnel | Sync Accounts From Settings

<strong>Account Xunnel | Sync Accounts From Settings</strong>

  • Account Xunnel | Link Accounts To Journals

<strong>Account Xunnel | Link Accounts To Journals</strong>

  • Account Xunnel | Sync Journal Movements

<strong>Account Xunnel | Sync Journal Movements</strong>

Invoice Xunnel

  • Invoice Xunnel | Download Invoices

<strong>Invoice Xunnel | Download Invoices</strong>

  • Invoice Xunnel | Check Downloaded Invoices

<strong>Invoice Xunnel | Check Downloaded Invoices</strong>


To test those changes feel free to use the runbot instance created (or create a one new) here

Vauxoo instance

[MIG] account_xunnel: from v14 to v15 t#49876

dic 24, 2021

Version 15.0 is here!



Migrate accountxunnel and invoicexunnel from v.13 to v.14, technical and functional details are listed below.


Technical Details

  • Some python files were renamed to be on line with the models that contains.

  • The module accountonlinesync was depreciated and replaced with accountonlinesynchronization, therefore it's dependence was replaced on the manifest of account_xunnel.

  • Model account.online.provider does not longer contains the accounts synchronized from xunnel, this model was replaced with account.online.link.

  • Model account.online.journal was replaced with account.online.account. Its field accountonlineproviderid_ changed its name to accountonlinelinkid_

  • Field note in account.bank.statement.line model change its name to narration.

  • Field onlineidentifier_ in account.bank.statement.line model change its name to onlinetransactionidentifier.

  • Field bankstatementcreation in account.journal model change its name to bankstatementcreationgroupby_.

  • Security groups were erased from invoice_xunnel module.

  • New wizard.add.token allows users to change its company xunneltoken_ from Accounting > Configuration > Xunnel > Add Token

  • New wizard.download.bank.accounts allows users to download the bank accounts related to its company xunneltoken_ from Accounting > Configuration > Accounting > Online Synchronization

  • New file located at accountxunnel/static/src/js/addaccount_manager.js contains the code to handle the paybook widget that allows a user to add a new bank account as in xunnel.com

Functional Details

  • Add new functionality related to Synchronize Accounts: now the users could do this, besides from the Settings, from the SYNCHRONIZE XUNNEL ACCOUNTS button located in Accounting > Configuration > Accounting > Online Synchronization.

  • After a user synchronize its accounts from xunnel with the button SYNCHRONIZE XUNNEL ACCOUNTS those could be checked in Accounting > Configuration > Accounting > Online Synchronization.

  • New separator Xunnel located in Accounting > Configuration contains functionalities Add Account and Add Token.

  • New Add Token menuitem allows the users to change the xunnel token of its company.

  • New Add Account menuitem allows the user to use the paybook widget to add accounts as it is now at xunnel.com, the process to add a new account it's the same. To use this widget the user must have a xunnel token related to its company.

  • The functionality related to create invoices from the XMLs downloaded with invoice xunnel was removed, the clients must acquire vendor bills.

  • Testing mode is not longer available.


Account Xunnel

  • Account Xunnel | Set Up Token

<strong>Account Xunnel | Set Up Token</strong>

  • Account Xunnel | Sync Movements

<strong>Account Xunnel | Sync Accounts From Accounting</strong>

  • Account Xunnel | Download Accounts

<strong>Account Xunnel | Link Accounts To Journals</strong>

Invoice Xunnel

  • Invoice Xunnel | Download SAT XMLs

<strong>Invoice Xunnel | Download SAT XMLs</strong>

  • Invoice Xunnel | Check Downloaded Invoices

<strong>Invoice Xunnel | Check Downloaded Invoices</strong>


To test those changes feel free to use the runbot instance created (or create a one new) here

[FIX] invoice_xunnel: Some 3.2 improvements

ago 26, 2021
  1. Avoid error with taxes on CFDI 3.2
  2. In CFDI 3.2, other option to the currency name is NACIONAL, now is supported this label in the currency.

[issue#14036][FIX] invoice_xunnel: add new parameter account_id and set parameters name

mar 25, 2021

This MR references to ticket #14036

Issue: https://youtu.be/2Q1SZcy2_Ng

Fix: https://youtu.be/NhJp6S-FIbU

[FIX] .gitlab-ci: Force python3 when installing Deployv's gitlab-tools t#42818

nov 26, 2020

Python 2.7 support has been officially dropped, and so did DeployV.